Welcome to Gibb Academy!

Hi! We are Corey and Crystal Gibb, and we're the creators of Gibb Academy! As high school math and science teachers, we both love teaching and being able to help as many students as we can.

We believe that learning should be fun, and we do our best to make our students feel comfortable and engaged whenever we're teaching. To us, helping students succeed is one of the most rewarding aspects of teaching! 

As homeschooling parents ourselves, we discovered that there weren't many (or any) Canadian math resources that taught high school math. See a need - fill that need! So being the math-loving humans that we are, we created our own!

Our goal was to create math courses that followed Canadian curriculum that students could complete at their own pace, from wherever they were. We wanted to have math courses available for every province and territory, covering as much high school math as we could. This is why we created and continue to develop Gibb Academy.

We live in Manitoba, along with our 3 awesome kids. We love hanging out at the family cabin, swimming, doing water sports on the lake, playing on the beach, bike riding, playing a family game of soccer or frisbee...see a theme here? In Manitoba, winter lasts for a million days, so we spend as much time as we can outdoors in the summer soaking up the sun! We can't bash the snow though...we all love dressing up like marshmallows and going tobogganing, snowboarding, snowmobiling and skating, so there are some benefits to winter as well!

Enough about us....go learn something!